Legal notice website is the property of the company MUSHROOM CONSEIL which publishes it.

MUSHROOM CONSEIL is a limited liability company with a share capital of seven thousand five hundred euros (€7,500), registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 518452453 and whose headquarter is located at 81 rue Réaumur 75002 Paris, France, VAT number FR07518452453. The company publishes the "" website.

The site's publication director is Ms Elisa Stoppa, in her capacity as Associate Director.

Postal Information

36 rue des Jeûneurs
75002 Paris

Design and Production

The site was developed by Charly Belle


Le site est hébergé par la société infomaniak
25 Eugène-Marziano
1227 Les Acacias
Tél. : +41 22 820 35 44